Does UNIABUJA have Catchment Area?

Does UNIABUJA have Catchment Area
Does UNIABUJA have Catchment Area

Have you been searching for the UNIABUJA Admission Catchment Area? University Of Abuja Catchment Area? UNIABUJA ELDS? UNIABUJA Catchment Area Cut-off mark? What Is The Catchment Area For UNIABUJA?

Are you an aspirant who wants to apply for admission to the University Of Abuja (UNIABUJA)? Does UNIABUJA Use Catchment?
If Yes, then this article is for you and you are on the right page as we are going to make a list of UNIABUJA Catchment Area for admission.
A lot of aspirants have been asking questions to find out the states that are among the University Of Abuja Catchment area for admission into the next session.

What does catchment mean in admission? let’s discuss below;

UNIABUJA Catchment
What Is The Meaning Of UNIABUJA Catchment Area?
Catchment areas are those states set out by the Federal Government for Federal Universities, that candidates from that state have more chances of gaining admission into the University which they have been specified to be among the catchment state.

Students from the states specified as Catchment states are considered privileged as they have more chances to be offered admission in that school where they are among the Catchment area.

Now that You know what the catchment area is, what are the catchment area for the University Of Abuja (UNIABUJA)? Keep reading Friend!.

UNIABUJA Catchment Area
The Catchment Area for the University Of Abuja (UNIABUJA) are:

All States of the Federation

Another set of states which also has more chances of gaining admission are called the Educationally less developed states (ELDS).

Let’s assume you know the University Of Abuja Catchment area for admission, let’s now look at the various ELDS state in UNIABUJA.

How do University of Abuja admits student
University of Abuja admission in progress

The ELDS Area for the University Of Abuja (UNIABUJA) are:


  1. Adamawa
  2. Bauchi
  3. Bayelsa
  4. Benue
  5. Borno
  6. Cross River
  7. Ebonyi
  8. Gombe
  9. Jigawa
  10. Kaduna
  11. Kano
  12. Kebbi
  13. Kogi
  14. Katsina
  15. Kwara
  16. Nasarawa
  17. Niger
  18. Plateau
  19. Rivers
  20. Sokoto
  21. Taraba
  22. Yobe
  23. Zamfara

It must however be noted that this does not mean the UNIABUJA does not admit students outside the catchment area rather the catchment areas are given special considerations.

JAMB admission is defined in areas of merit, catchment areas, and educationally less developed states (ELDS).

Merit 45%, 35% is for catchment area and 20% to those from educationally less developed states.

The fact is that if a candidate from another state outside the catchment area beats the MERIT cut-off mark of the University of Abuja for the chosen course, he or she will be admitted regardless of the Catchment Policy.

And if you are from any of the catchment States and you failed to meet the catchment cut-off you will not be admitted into the University Of Abuja.

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