Education and studies

English studies | Mention five examples of fallacy

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Logic fallacy: Refers to a faulty reasoning or breakdown in the logic of the argument. A logical fallacy is an error of reasoning.

There are various classification of fallacy

  1. Structural fallacy: This refers to a fault in the structure of premise of an argument.
  2. Verbal fallacy: This refers to a fault in the way the person arguing is speaking or writing.
  3. Material fallacy: This is a fault in the argument itself in example, using the example of one Samsung to claim that all Samsung phones are manufactured poorly.
English studies Mention five examples of fallacy
English studies Mention five examples of fallacy

five examples of fallacy you need to know in english language

  1. Hasty generalization: This refers to general conclusion that a certain condition is always true base on one instance of observation.
  2. Appeal of ignorance: Support a claim mainly because there is no prove that is wrong. E.g There is no complete evidence that pig can’t fly.
  3. Appeal of faith: Relying by faith without solid evidence in support of it.
  4. Appeal of tradition: Pointing to traditional practices or something that has been done in the past to support a claim.
  5. False authority: Relying on the evidence of expert. e.g using what celebrity used.
  6. Fallacy of presumption: This is an error of reasoning in the sense of logical error that are never the less commonly place.
  7. Argumentum ad baculum: Is a fallacy committed when one makes a false appeal to bring about the acceptance of a conclusion. e.g if you don’t send this email to the HOD you will be evicted from your apartment.
  8. Argumentum ad Misericodian (Appeal to sympathy or pity): This fallacy is committed when attention is diverted from an issue to sentiments that are likely to arouse people pity or sympathy. e.g We did not allow the criminal to die because he’s the best musician in town

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