universities post utme form and date

Is UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA Still Giving Out Admission For 2024/2025

Written by admin

No, University of Abuja has not started giving admission for this year 2024/2025. Once the school start Post UTME or Admission processes we will keep you updated on this platform, just make sure all the necessary document like relevant certificates has been made ready to secure your admission for this year 2024/2025. Congratulation to you in advance as you take a bold step to envision yourself into this great citadel.

NOTE: UNI ABUJA do not write Post UTME Exam rather they do screening for students. If any students failed to be screened by the school administrative officers that students will forfeit his/her admission for that year despite being admitted.


I will be telling you things about the aforementioned topic but I’ll try to make it brief.
The admission will come in starting from Merit then downwards. In this phase, those with high Jamb scores and strong O’level results for the course they applied for, will see their admissions first before any other applicants. Mind you, the total number of applicants for each course will determine how sure your admission will be for that course, because all departments have their respective admission quotas, i.e the total amount of applicants they can admit into that department. As for now, Political Science has the highest admission quota but I won’t tell you the total amount of students we do admit into it.

When is 2024/2025 Application Date?

For those anticipating to enter university of abuja next year, I will be revealing our 2024/2025 application date soon! so stay tune to this blog. To our 2025 Prospective Aspirants, I’m using this medium to let you know that we will be here for you as we’ve always been there for the previous sets.

JAMB has recently set the benchmark for Tertiary Institutions such like Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education. The benchmark set for Universities is pegged at 160 and above.

The “above” there is where University of Abuja falls in, as UniAbuja won’t accept any score less than 180

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Have university of Abuja started 2024 Post UTME registration


UniAbuja Post UTME screening for the 2024/25 academic session is to commence august compile all the document you will need and get ready for registration this July. To get more information on the document you will need for registration, kindly check this blog below for details. Thanks.

The decision to start the exercise early came because of the 2023 Jamb examination.

Note that this call is for those who wrote Jamb examination this year.

Contact for registration requirements. Also, for your hitch-free, fast and reliable


  1. Jamb Original Result
  2. O’level Results
  3. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
  4. Certificate of Origin
  5. Passport Photograph (either white or red background)
  6. A valid email address and phone number
  7. A valid O’level result scratch card.
  8. Signature and Home Address
  9. Other personal information
  10. A’Level/JUPEB/IJMB/OND/NCE/HND and others (Direct Entry Only)

NOTE: All this above documents should be in colored form/printing

Requirements For the screening

  1. Candidate must have relevant O’ level result(s) at NOT MORE THAN TWO SITTINGS, and score a minimum of 180 in 2022 Post UTME
  2. Must have made the university of Abuja as their first choice or change from other institutions to the university of Abuja.
  3. Candidate for Direct Entry (DE) Admission will be required to upload both their O’ level result and Higher qualifications, accordingly, to the University portal and register for the screening exercise.

Procedure for the 2024/2025 pre-admission screening

  1. Visit https://portal.uniabuja.edu.ng and click on “click here to apply”;
  2. Click undergraduate link on the left panel;
  3. Enter your JAMB Registration Number and click on ” Get details”;
  4. Complete the basic information page ( Please Note: enter only valid phone number and email address and click next);
  5. Candidate are required to pay the sum of Two Thousand naira (2,000) only for the screening;
  6. On the payment review page click on “Generate RRR” and this take you to another page;
  7. Click on “Submit” and you will be redirected to another Remita payment page;
  8. Enter credit or debit (ATM) card number and other details as appropriate and submit;
  9. Enter “OTP code” sent to your phone number and click continue to complete your payment;
  10. After successful payment, click on “Main Login” on the portal, enter your JAMB Registration Number and Surname as password;
  11. Click on “Login to Dashboard” to complete your registration;
  12. Ensure that you print completed registration form and payment receipt.
    Note it is mandatory for all students to upload their O’ level results to JAMB portal, otherwise they’ll not be considered for admission.


  1. Jamb Original Result
  2. O’level Results
  3. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
  4. Certificate of Origin
  5. Passport Photograph (either white or red background)
  6. A valid email address and phone number
  7. A valid O’level result scratch card.
  8. Signature and Home Address
  9. Other personal information
  10. A’Level/JUPEB/IJMB/OND/NCE/HND and others (Direct Entry Only)

NOTE: UniAbuja Post UTME screening for the 2024/25 academic session is to commence next week Wednesday, Dec 28th and end Wednesday, January 25th (about a month). If you know you don’t have some of the aforementioned things, it’s high time you get them

Do direct entry students need original jamb results

No, D.E students don’t write JAMB but you’ll need to submit your original direct entry form you use to apply for UniAbuja 2024/2025 admission

Do university of Abuja write Post UTME

University of Abuja don’t write Post UTME, what they do is screening and the following documents that you need to be eligible to study in this great citadel have been listed above.

Do university of Abuja use Transcript too

Yes, if you’re transferring from another school to university of Abuja but direct entry students don’t need transcript since you’re applying to the school, not transferring.

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